Thursday, November 15, 2007

Different every time...

I'm recording in my room a new song and it's one of the frustrating ones. The song processes are different every time - in the writing and the recording. I like this as I don't do well with repetition. I don't do well with repetition. (Sorry, couldn't resist...)

Sometimes I write a song and it almost falls out, as if it was there all the time and I just had to play it. Others are as if I'm chiselling away, making slow progress, hitting my thumb with the hammer, but I get there in the end. Some take minutes and some take months.

Then there's the recording; it's the same story. With some, one vocal take and I'm happy with it - excellent! Other times I feel like giving up. (It's even more annoying when I'm struggling to sing something, to my satisfaction, that I wrote myself...). OK, this take, nope, maybe this one? Nope. Sigh.

A point comes where I say, "OK, this is going to have to do..." and I stop. I am nearly at that point with this one. I also know that I'm a perfectionist and generally no-one notices what I notice anyway...

Right, back to the other corner of the room I go.

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