Monday, December 31, 2007

The incredible shrinking man...

Since following Michael Winner's advice I have lost 5kg!!!!!!!!!! This is super-great, and I have already got back into my bike leathers :-)

I just put 5kg of Diet Coke and vegetable oil (2 x 2 litres Coke and 1 litre of oil which is close enough) into a carrier bag (in the bottles, not poured in...) and the weight of it is amazing! Have I lost this much already?? Yes I have.

I haven't stopped eating anything or exercised (although I know I should anyway...). I eat a lot less and, most importantly I think, eat little in the evenings and nothing after 6:30 if possible.

According to the Body Mass Index chart* I should be about 10 and 1/2 stone which is 66.7kg. HA HA VERY FUNNY!!

My wife reckons 80kg should be about right for me - in this case I am already half way there - excellent :-)

So here's to next year and a thinner me - I shall continue to blog as long as I don't disappear altogether.

* The Body Mass Index chart is an officially sanctioned instrument of despair which will, if you are a wider person, rob you of what little hope you had of reaching an "acceptable" weight. Do not take much notice of it unless you are the one person in the world for whom it was designed. And even he/she should try not to get too down about it.


Rob Finking said...

Congruntulations =) I once saw a programme on the electric television about this sort of stuff. Apparently the body mass index thing is very over simplified. There are a lot more parameters. There was a triathalon runner who was a very similar build to you who was classed as morbidly obese or whatever it's called, who was in prime form. He said that if he tried to get down to his "ideal" weight, he'd be a complete weakling and unable to compete. He reckoned it was due to his ancestry which went back to the steps of russia, where he needed the bulge to combat the cold. His point was that he was built to be that shape and that it was artificial to try and reduce his weight to meet some chart. Was interesting to see it...

Luke Strickland said...

You're one up (or is that 5 down?) on all those people intending to diet in the new year! My wife Kate's a dietician and has lots to say about portion sizes, just like the book you're reading. As she always says "there's no such thing as bad food, just bad diets!"
Keep up the good work..