Monday, March 30, 2009

Early morning prayer...

Yesterday I awoke to the sound of Radio 4 at about 7am, and promptly began my regular Sunday morning prayer session. This is something I have found easy to apply myself to and, in fact, have found it a very natural thing to do first thing on a Sunday morning before leading the musical worship at the meeting. It is, after all, the Lord's day.

In case you'd like to learn it, it goes like this:
"Oooooooohhhhh Looooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrd, pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaase don't let this be what I think it is. Pleeeeeeeeeaase let this be a dream. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease can I STAY IN BED???? Amen?"

Ha ha! And I MEAN it too! I am absolutely not a morning person (ask my, actually, don't...) and that's with the SAD light that lights up before I do.***

In these moments of purity I do remember, however, that later I will be glad I got up and dragged myself to Central Hall. And so it was yesterday - what a wonderful time we had! I don't say this to honour myself, but to honour God. I point out my regular prayer session lest you imagine that I am any more than flesh, blood and willing spirit! But God. But God. But God.

His presence was tangible, it is one I will remember.

The rhythm of God is always there. Sometimes we hear it, sometimes we don't. It had no beginning and it has no end. Sometimes we hear it, sometimes we don't.

Yesterday I think we we heard it :-)

*** Seasonal Affective Disorder: either a real physiological condition presenting as low mood due to lack of sunlight, or an excuse for being a grumpy so-and-so throughout Autumn and Winter. All I can say is that the SAD light next to my bed has made a big difference. You should've seen me before!!!

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