Thursday, December 28, 2006

Legal eagle

Driving the car the other day I saw two things that set me thinking (and you know it doesn't take much...):
1) Someone driving whilst talking on their mobile, and
2) Someone else throwing litter out of their car window.

What interested me were my instant knee-jerk reactions to each occurrence:
a) Thinking, "that's BAD", and
b) Thinking, "I wouldn't do that!"

So, condemnation swiftly followed by self-righteousness. Good for me.

From whence comes our ethics, morals, social mores, rules, regulations...? Which are "valid" and which are not? Which to obey? All or some?

I know that I feel two main compulsions to obey the law of the land:
i) I don't want to get in trouble, and
ii) My Believer's view that God's in control and authority comes from him (barring direct contradiction of his standards, as I understand them, like not murdering people.)

Some speed limits annoy me greatly - dual carriageway with 30mph?? Why? But I think I should obey the speed limit because I'm a Believer. I'm told the Angels get out if you exceed the speed limit anyway...

Above, 1) is dangerous and could result in a crash so fair enough, 2) is just annoying and unnecessary, speeding is also dangerous but some limits seem silly and we all think we know best so Speed Cameras get put up to raise money, err, I mean to keep us all safer.

God wants me to keep to the speed limits so I try very hard to do so (on my motorbike it's MUCH MUCH MORE DIFFICULT!!). It's one of the ways he teaches me patience, I think.

Observing the laws of the land is good for me, it's a humility thing.

What do you think?


Design Haus said...

Mark, I hope you weren't thinking all that while you were driving, that's just plain dangerous :-)

Mark Robins said...

That's the last time you park in my drive...

Design Haus said...
