Saturday, December 30, 2006

Essence 2: He's back and he's BIGGER!

I've previously posted about identity in Essence and I've been thinking again about this over the past few days. It's because I feel particularly large at the moment - waaay to much nice food. I posted a little about eating in Eating. Simple eh? Nope. and these two threads come together here.

I'm having to remind myself that I am not wholly defined by my weight. I know this, but I can find myself focusing on this aspect of "me" and letting it direct my thoughts in an unhelpful way.

I'm going back to a slimming group thing in January with a friend of mine - we've both done this one before and we had success with it, so off we go...

The problem with overeating is that, rationally, it makes no sense! Just eat less, don't snack, etc. - it's not rocket science. However, it is difficult not to have just one more whatever it is when it tastes soooooo nice...

So I approach the New Year with renewed hope and enthusiasm looking towards my first weigh in. Last time I lost a steady 2lbs a week for months and reached a very acceptable weight - I was over the moon. As we've heard so many times from so many people, however, it's keeping it off that's the even greater challenge.

Fundamentally, I love to eat, that's a part of me - my hope is that I'll learn to manage this aspect of myself and stay a bit slimmer than I am now.

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