Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I don't want to get toooooo thin...


Well, I lost 1lb which does get me to the half a stone sticker (she didn't have any with her...).

I wanted to lose more but it was double last week's effort.

I gave Rob (his real name) a lift home and went the slightly longer way home and thought while I drove.

I was thinking, "All that restraint and self denial for just another pound!". Then I realised that I'm still seeing this as a time limited program that will come to an end. Then I'll put it all back on. That's what happened last time and that's what happens to lots of people who manage to lose weight. We say, "Phew, I've made it, thank you God it's over now! Now I can relax, I'll be thinner for ever...right, what shall I eat first??"

Now, I've been to another group that helps you face and manage the actual reasons why you eat as you do. This is a layer below isn't it? Eating can merely be the symptom of the underlying issue(s). Hence, we may get to our target weight by treating the symptom, but the issues remain and hey ho off we go again. So it is that so many are stuck on a merry-go-round of dieting/slimming plans.

If I can accept that eating less is a new way of life then that would be much better, wouldn't it?

"There is no (pudding) spoon."

There is no end to this program.

Addendum: I've just noticed what a bleak road picture I've chosen! OK, analyse, analyse, erm, a long road of self denial? Maybe...

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