Friday, March 09, 2007

School place trauma

It's that time of year when I'm reminded of last year's school place trauma. Kids 1 and 2 safely ensconced in their schools (Infant and Junior) but kid 3 doesn't get a place. I was beside myself as the reason for this was our acceptance form was late. We'd had two weeks to get it back to them but left it until two days before the deadline and then posted it. I don't know what we were thinking. It took ten days to go a few miles. I could see my A1 plan going out the window and we had no excuse! We went on the waiting list for out of area kids (we'd moved since the boys started at the school...) thinking there'd be little chance of success but asking God for another demonstration of his MERCY - and we got a place for her! PHEW!!

Kid 4 had a place in the adjoining pre-school (where you need to put your name down as soon as the line changes colour on the pregnancy test) but they realised we'd moved and they rightly had to take her place back. We went on their waiting list for unlikely cancellations and... we got her back in again!! The irony was that a place had become available as several families hadn't managed to get their forms back on time! Really, that is so irresponsible!! Ahem... as I said at the time, "Praise God for other people's lackadaisical attitude!"

No problems this year - continuing siblings you see. Kid 2 goes to Juniors and kid 4 goes to Infants and I took NO chances. I personally handed the forms in and saw them stamped in my presence.

One Mum was describing her sleepless nights and tears every now and then due to the pressure of having to decide which school to try for her daughter, as she'd not got a place at her first choice.

Imagine not having our Father to ask about everything!

That is a scary situation - I don't know how people do it.

1 comment:

Paul D-P said...

...and not only does he tell you which ones to go for, but also has the power to make it so.

We managed to get into our first choice with some help from a higher authority, Billy.