Monday, April 20, 2009

I commit to...erm...

I've started having monthly gatherings for the musicians and techies (MUSOTECH) who serve the Sunday gatherings at Central Hall. We've had two now, and I'm excited about what we've started. I am not a natural gatherer but have realised how important these times are for getting to know each other and having all of those small conversations that make such a difference to "team". I think it's called face time in management speak.

I prepare the recordings of the talks at Central Hall for the website - now, I could email in the MP3 and stay at home but I choose to take it in because I usually have a few conversations with people "oh, as you're here...", and I've connected. I like these interactions, it's part of belonging.

We feel like we belong when we commit ourselves to something, when we are prepared to put ourselves out for a group or cause at a cost. So it is that we are working towards a sign up sheet (or something) for the musos and techies outlining that to which we are actually committing ourselves. My thoughts, so far, are that we do an annual sign up, probably following the academic year. People commit for a specific time, not a vague "this could be a week or the rest of my life" type thing. Each person then gets a chance, annually, to recommit or take time out.

Looking over a range of other churches' versions of this I've picked up on three main areas of commitment:
1) Personal spirituality: be following Jesus...
2) Commitment to church body: other areas of service, small group membership, Sunday attendance..., and
3) Practical considerations: punctuality, availability, practice, gear, prompt email responses...

The examples I brought spanned a wide range from very specific to quite vague. I'm hoping we'll arrive at something that is not prohibitive but does, nonetheless, require a step of commitment from the person wanting to be a part of the team.

I think we'll enjoy a greater sense of belonging and team when we all know the framework within which we are corporately operating and what our reasonable expectations are of each other.

We shall see!

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