Friday, May 18, 2007

Dual monitors!!

So Tommy and I were sitting in my "Office" ("Dump" to some...) and he suggested I have two monitors instead of one. I thought, "Wow, it'll look like CSI!!". So I started looking into it, and, I have, incredibly, managed it!

I bought a dual monitor 64Mb ATI Radeon 7000 PCI card from Ebay for £20. PCI, y'see, because ours is quite an "old" PC and that's all its got. The nice checkout guy at PC World said to me, "Are you sure you've got PCI Express?", to which I replied, "Erm, ah, uh, dunno, good point, praps I'll go and check..." and we don't. Not even AGP. It's a wonder I manage to even read my emails with such lamentable graphics capabilities.

Anyway, the double bonus is not only the ability to, "Increase my productivity" as Tommy said (I can hear my wife sniggering already...) but also to improve the quality of the vids I record for Youtube (acoustic guitar tuition) - which this new card has done as well.

So, job done, and I feel all clever. Clever me :-)

1 comment:

Rob Finking said...

The guy next to me at work has "two heads" too. He swears by it, says it increases his productity enormously. Apparently the real trick is to learn to control each of your eyeballs independently. (Just kidding about that bit)

Well done on pulling it off (and on not buying a PCI-Express card)



PS on an urelated subject do you ever listen to UCB UK radio? I never really listened to Christian before, but it's really cool! Channel 0125 on Sky or available online