Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Had some blood taken the other day for my cholesterol test. I have to say I'm not expecting great news when the numbers come back - I was almost surprised the nurse got it to go up the needle!! I don't know if the nurse spotted signs of stress but she asked me, "Are you OK with needles?" - I replied, "It depends how quick you are...", which reminds me...

...I don't like needles. At all. When Ali was a hospital doc she ever so kindly volunteered me to be a practise pin cushion for med students. Thanks baby. It's OK, I thought, face your fears, get it out the way...

So I pitch up and as they start jabbing me I realise that they've NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE!! Thanks for the heads up darling... I take a hit to the right arm, then a hit to the left, right again and then this young boy of about 8 takes aim and he's coming at me waving the needle about like it could go ANYWHERE... my mouth goes dry, my palms are sweaty and I...pass out. Ali woke me with a kiss, (too little too late if you ask me) the 8 year looks really guilty and then I have to get a friend to pick me up as now I'm not allowed to drive. Right.

So, my advice to anyone out there with an irrational fear is simply to face it and wonder why you bothered.

I still fear needles. Wierd, huh?

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