Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Spiderman 3

I went to see spiderman 3 on Monday with our two boys and a couple of friends. Nowadays when I watch a film like this I try to look at what it's saying about us as people. God created all of us in his image and aspects of this come out all over the place in our lives. This can be in our creativity, our love, our yearning for justice, our built in perception of good and evil etc...

Here are three bullet points from the film:
> The "evil" that comes is from outer space in the form of an unexplained black stuff. Within the story there was a need for an outside agency to provide this - as if there's not enough around as it is (see above post...)?
> Society's need for someone to save us - sound familiar? Who will save us? Spidey can only save us from crime - Jesus can save us in all areas of our lives.
> Spidey forgives but only in the light of new knowledge providing extenuating circumstances. This is not really forgiveness is it? Forgiveness is saying, "I give this over to God in all its blackness." We are never in possession of all the facts about someone and so are never in a position to truly judge. Only God is in possession of all the facts.

Finally, I loved the fact that we could tell whether he was Evil Peter or Good Peter just from his fringe!!

Nice one :-)

1 comment:

Alex Boxall said...

Having a fringe, is obviously a sign of evil... maybe the movie makers had been reading that verse in 1 Corinthians that says: "isn't it obvious that it's disgraceful for a man to have long hair?" Obviously then, long hair is a sing of evil!!!! ; )