Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Imagine what it would be like...

...if there were no sin.

We are so used to sin that we don't notice its effect around us.

Let me get you started and then you have a go:

My bunch of keys I carry around - would I need them?
The bank I went to today - what would that look like? (Would there even be a bank?)
The bus shelter?
Our church building with it's electric shutters and alarm system?
PIN numbers?
Internet security?
Car radio codes?
The list must be endless...

You see where I've gone with this...what do you think?


Alex Boxall said...

I'd be out of a job... We'd have no super heroes. No Spiderman. No CSI, no NCIS, no 24. In fact most TV programmes would not exist... We'd probably still have tweenies and teletubbies though... Dude, that really makes you think about what we are actually watching...

Mark Robins said...

Well I watch quite a lot of tweenies and teletubbies...