Thursday, November 16, 2006

I admit it: I am biased!

Global Warming or Climate Change?

Man made catastrophe or a natural cycle?

I am biased and I'm not convinced we're as much to blame as we're told.

When you start researching you start to see just how complicated and multi-faceted this earth's climate is, it's beyond comprehension! No one understands it. One theory is contradicted by the next. Wait long enough and the predictions change more radically than the global temperature is ever allegedly going to. We naturally try to simplify things don't we? Our brains cannot cope with more than two or three variables at a time so we're forced to ditch the (percieved) less important ones and focus on a "Single Dominant Causal Factor". There may not be one. If there is one, for argument's sake, what if it's the Sun? This article is interesting. Now, the Sun is not affected by my deoderant or my V8 is it?

Politically, simple is good (policy can be presented to the voting public for approval), complex is bad (nobody knows what you're talking about). Problem is we're asked to put our faith in simple "solutions" to impossibly complex problems. The classic "Wife beating" question is posed time and time again. There can be no "Yes" or "No" answer, however much we'd like it.

Squillions of pounds, dollars and whatever else are set to be spent on trying to fix something that may not exist or may not be fixable anyway. But governments must be seen to be doing something. Hey, that's politics, right?

Can anyone think of a better way of spending this money?
Answers on a postcard in the comments window please...


Johnny said...

...must admit - and I feel terribly guilty about this - but there are days when I don't buy the whole "global warming" thing. Usually I do....but just occasionally I entertain the thought that we might be barking up the wrong tree

Mark Robins said...

To what do you attribute you feeling, "terribly guilty" John?